Editorial & Opinion Talk #2763.14
>>That's interesting, what you are saying about the citizenship. Let me ask you a question, if you are not allowed to leave Poland until you get the polish passport and you finally get it, then you would need US visa in that passport to be able to board a plane, no? It wouldn't make any sense to have a passport just to be able to leave Poland if you in reality doesn't live there, would it?<<
You're right about that. It completely doesn't make any sense at all, but that's what the Polish government requires from Polish-Americans. One has to have a Polish passport in order to depart Poland. That's it!
Problem with visas has been "solved" by requiring to produce -- attention, drum roll please: an American passport! :) BTW there are exit border passport checkpoints on the airports with soldier-like uniformed personnel called Border Guards. Now, Polish-Americans absolutely can't use the American passport for identification purposes while in Poland because of the current Polish government regulations. But at the border checkpoint they are required to produce both, Polish and American passport. I guess at the Polish border the Polish law doesn't apply, or something like that.
And again, maybe Mr. Sikorski would like to step in and explain the "logic" behind this scheme? We know, Mr. Sikorski, that you are reading these postings. So, tell us, why did you come up with the idea of harassing Polish-Americans wanting to visit sick mother or lay flowers on the graves of relatives? WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER!
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