At the beginning of his article, Mr. Sikorski praises US for today’s independence and freedom of the Central European countries. Surely it’s a result of continuos and long struggle to free this part of the world from communism, and the USA has to receive a credit for that. But the rest of the article suggests that now US owe some sort of obligations to these nations yet - in order to keep them as allies. So that’s what the Central Europeans are all about? Allies in the war in Iraq for money and special privileges? At the central part of his article, Mr. Sikorski complains that America shows no willingness to disregard it’s own Visa Waiver Policy and provide exceptions, especially for the Central Europeans. We all know what Mr. Sikorski has on his mind here: exporting unemployment to US by filling the black job market. Splendid! In case of Poland, the native country of Mr. Sikorski, the unemployment rate is about 20%.
Mr. Sikorski did not invent all of this by himself. It is an official call of the Polish Government. Looks like Polish jokes are made in Poland today. A few years ago, Mr. Sikorski furiously promoted, and in fact was even one of the creators of another Polish joke. The thing is still in existence and it’s called a "passport trap". It allows Polish-Americans to enter Poland on the US passport, but it prevents them from leaving Poland without – a Polish passport. In other words, the US passport is not valid in Poland for the Polish-Americans but for everybody else it is. That is splendid too!
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