piątek, 4 kwietnia 2008

Poland Promises Income Tax Relief For Returning Citizens

"Tusk appointed migration experts to form a team to study ways overseas Poles would be encouraged to return home. But a 2007 survey conducted by the ARC Market and Opinion, a Polish survey firm, of 1,389 Poles at land and air gateways in Britain disclosed not many are inclined to go back home.

While it is believed across the European Union that eastern European migration is temporary, responses at the survey belie that belief. At least 40 percent brought their family members with them, while 50 percent said they plan to stay in the U.K. for a minimum of 4 years."

Poland Promises Income Tax Relief For Returning Citizens | April 4, 2008 | AHN

  • Konsul Zb.Augustyn informuje na temat polskich paszportow cz.1. : 15.6.2007 Play MP3 | Play Real 12 min.
  • Konsul Zb.Augustyn informuje na temat polskich paszportow cz.2. : 26.6.2007 Play MP3 | Play Real 10:55 min.


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