piątek, 11 kwietnia 2008

Where to Pay Tax, But Not Vote

MIGRATION-ITALY: Where to Pay Tax, But Not Vote:

"Only immigrants from countries that are a part of the European Union since 1996 are eligible to vote, and only in the municipal elections.

According to the Statistical Dossier on Immigration published annually by the Catholic charity Caritas and the Rome-base1d Migrantes foundation, of the 250,000 regular migrants living in Rome (mainly from Romania, the Philippines, Poland and Peru), 17 percent are from EU countries.

Of the three million regular migrants living in Italy, only 1 percent have Italian citizenship. Getting citizenship is a particularly restrictive process."

  • Konsul Zb.Augustyn informuje na temat polskich paszportow cz.1. : 15.6.2007 Play MP3 | Play Real 12 min.
  • Konsul Zb.Augustyn informuje na temat polskich paszportow cz.2. : 26.6.2007 Play MP3 | Play Real 10:55 min.


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