sobota, 6 sierpnia 2005

Migration Lies

Migration News: "Poland. About 25,000 Poles emigrate each year, while 10,000 return, including many well-educated Poles who had moved to Germany or elsewhere in Europe. Many of those returning to Poland are ethnic Germans returning to the Silesia in the southwest, which has the largest number of dual nationals in Poland. There are about five million residents of Silesia and 500,000 emigrated in the 1980s.

In July 2000, the upper house of the Polish parliament, the Senate, approved a draft law to specifically recognize dual citizenship. The Senate proposal would also allow former Polish citizens who freely or were forced to emigrate after World War II to reclaim Polish citizenship. Foreigners who resided in Poland for less than five years would be allowed to receive Polish citizenship under the draft law. About eight million Poles and potential dual citizens live abroad. "


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