niedziela, 21 sierpnia 2005

A passport trap in Poland

A passport trap in Poland: "Polish Trojan Horse at the White House

Polish Trojan Horse at the White House

Going back to point No. 2 of the Agenda, a good way of increasing the number of qualified Polish Americans in public office would be to prevent the government of Poland from disqualifying our people from obtaining security clearance by selling them Polish passports. This problem particularly affects the recent wave of post-Solidarity immigrants, who may be too sentimental, too naive, or too passive to resist the pressure of the government of Poland and may inadvertently destroy their own careers or jeopardize the careers of their children. I don't believe that we need any "affirmative action" for Polish American politicians and I don't think that the goal of increasing the number of qualified Polish Americans in public office will be helped by engaging in blatant lobbying efforts on behalf of the government of Poland. Such transparent lobbying for foreign interests will not gain the trust or the respect of the public and will only discredit those who believe that they can fool anyone by attaching the words "Polish American" to a shopping list of a corrupt and incompetent foreign government. Which is what I sincerely hope will happen to the authors of the Agenda, as I would not like to see such biased individuals in the government of my country.


read independent comments of the real Polonia


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