Almost half of the million Polish immigrants now in Britain could stay permanently, a survey revealed yesterday.
Researchers found that 15 per cent of those who had arrived here since the expansion of the EU in 2004 had decided to remain for good.
A further 30 per cent are thinking about staying for the rest of their lives. Even those Poles who plan to return home intend to spend long periods in Britain, according to the survey by Mig Research.
'Immigrants here for good': Half of Poles plan to stay in UK | the Daily Mail
"Another day, another report about migration misrepresented and distorted by the Mail. It happens with depressing regularity. Think tank produces study that says something about immigration - Daily Mail pretends it says something else and includes some fatuous old rubish from Sir Andrew Green saying the sky's about to fall on our heads."
Five Chinese Crackers: Paint a picture of immigration by the numbers with the Mail
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