niedziela, 18 listopada 2007

Imagine: a shortage of Polish plumbers

Imagine: a shortage of Polish plumbers.

maecki 12.11.07, 16:56Odpowiedz

Za 10 lat Brytyjczycy moga zaczac sie skarzyc, ze nie moga znalezc zadnego 'polskiego hydraulika', bo wszyscy beda juz w z powrtem w Polsce.

"It just might be that in 10 years' time people will be grumbling that they can't get a Polish plumber any more and are having to pay an unreliable British workman a lot more to do the same job....
The EBRD's chief economist, Erik Berglöf, said pay for skilled labourers was rising very rapidly, partly owing to the fact that many of the country's most skilled workers had pushed off to Britain. Fascinatingly, he said Poles want to work in Poland, not Britain.
Things are changing. Some economies in the east are growing rapidly now. In the long term we will see emigration [from Britain]. Many Poles would prefer to work in Poland. There is a strong force of gravitation...
And a strong economy may encourage some Polish workers in Britain, who have been sending money home and watching events from afar, to go back, especially if work here becomes more difficult to find. A similar phenomenon has occurred with Ireland over the past 15 years."

Re: Imagine: a shortage of Polish plumbers.
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Gość: Soup Nazi13.11.07, 10:10


Ten artykul...przeciez trzeba zawsze miec nadzieje...Anglicy tez razie usiluja naciskac ....Kanade...zeby ....otworzyc jakies wentyle to beda za corridy z nielegalnymi Portugalami Jak decyzja lece po bilety do Ticketmaster..... "Papiezowcy" (te tysiace co tu zostaly po zlocie mlodziezy pare lat temu, hehehe) ....juz licza dolary....zarobione.... na swiezym dzikim leszczu...hehehe

Ten powrot....nie za jak wrocicie..... to was Bulbonczycy tameczni.....zywcem tyle, jesli chodzi o powrot ....."fachowcow"

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