środa, 11 czerwca 2008

Poles shouldn't play for foreign countries

Politician: Poles shouldn't play for foreign countries : Sports: "
Warsaw - Senate hopeful Miroslaw Orzechowski wants Polish footballers to lose their citizenship if they play for foreign countries, local media reported on Tuesday. Orzechowski, of the ultraconservative League of Polish Families, didn't list names, but his comments came after Polish-born Lukas Podolski scored both goals for Germany in the 2-0 Euro 2008 win over Poland.

Orzechowski said the Polish president must take action in these cases and strip the players of their Polish passport.

"If someone performs in the colors of a foreign state, there's already a desire there to renouce citizenship. You can't say it more clearly. And the president should interpret that fact like this: that it's intentional," Orzechowski told the Dziennik daily.

Orzechowski said in his internet blog that a distinction must be made between political or economic emigration and playing for foreign national teams.

The Polish Constitution, however, says that Poles can't loose their citizenship unless they give it up themselves.

But Orzechowski told Dziennik that if a Pole is playing for a foreign team, that already means they don't want Polish citizenship.

Orzechowski's comments caused some confusion in political circles, reported Polish Radio, while others accused the former Deputy Minister of Education of trying to stir up publicity before elections."

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