niedziela, 21 sierpnia 2005

polska: Compulsory Citizens of the non-conscious kind

polska: Compulsory Citizens of the non-conscious kind

href="">CyberExpress 28/6/2003:

" So,
you were born outside of Poland, elsewhere in the world. But at least one of
your parents or grandparents was Polish. You've never been to Poland - hell, you
can't even speak the language. Well, guess what? You're a Polish citizen! And
next time you travel to Poland you'd better have a Polish passport, or you could
be in trouble with the law!!

Sounds absurd? It certainly does. But it
also happens to be true. Yep, buddy, matey, pal, old chum - in the light of the
current Polish law, you're a Polak too. I know you hate flaczki (tripe) and you
can barely stand the smell of Old Grandpa Jozek's bimber (moonshine). It
matters not. You're a Polak. href="">...more "

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